Today was the second full day of the team training at the United Disability Services headquarters. And it was a great one... we worked hard and played hard. The morning started out with a great time of bonding- I got to un-vest and un-leash Charlie and off we went into a big training room to chase balls and hang out. When he doesn't have those two things on it's letting him know he isn't working. It was the first time we did that together! Once he was tuckered out from playing with a stuffed animal and tennis ball he gladly "got dressed" (any "" will indicate commands he knows) and went back to work. Before we went back to the office he was challenged to "wait" as I left the room, crossed the hallway, and entered into the office. He did as he was told and right when I said "come" he came bounding in and stopped promptly before me (can we say gentle giant?).
As he rested at my feet, I read some material on grooming and vet care. After that we practiced "hold" and "carry" with an empty basket (with the intent of him getting my lunch bag or other things and doing the same). It was rough getting him to "hold" because he just wanted to "give it" to me. We practiced it and had a few successes! I realized that he was able to "get it" and "carry" it much more easily and so we did that so that he could build confidence that he was doing what I wanted. After that, we worked on the door- opening and closing it by "tug" and "harder" to unlatch and then "back" to really pull the door open.
That was a lot of repetitive and challenging stuff for us, so we took a break and Lorrie (our trainer) gave me a great lecture on motivation- what I can do to get my dog to do what I want and need him to do. I have to figure out (based on the situation and the request) how and what to use so he will accomplish the task. Things like words, body language, treats, play, etc.
After lunch we had a socialization with a few other dogs where they were all un-vested and able to play. Charlie was chasing balls and running around the room like a mad man! Then, the dogs each had their turn to get a mini mani (aka nail trimming). After everyone left, Lorrie went to get a drink and I decided to work with Char on our challenge command. Right now he can bark on command in two ways: saying "speak" or a hand signal. My challenge was to add in a third option where I would click my tongue and he would back. So, I started by doing all three at once a few times, next I dropped "speak" and just did the hand signal and click, then after I felt confident in that, I just clicked... by the time Lorrie got back HE WAS DOING IT WITH JUST A CLICK!!! I was so excited for him and me that we did that. I can't wait to go back tomorrow morning and test him.
To finish off our day Lorrie and I went over the Public Access Test. This is what I have to pass with Charlie so he is no longer in training and then he will be able to go with me in public (without a trainer). It'll be done at the mall most likely and we will be graded on a bunch of criteria and series of tests (like how well he follows my commands and handles distractions). The point is the determine whether or not we are safe as a team in public.
Great day, awesome dog, and patient trainer makes for a happy heart.