Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Love Like Charlie

I am excited to announce that Charlie has inspired my pastor at Worship Center to do a 7 weeks series called, “Love Like Charlie.”  It starts the weekend of October 5 & 6.  It’s about Charlie’s devotion to me and how we can apply that to our lives and relationship with God.  In addition to the weekend services, they are having small groups that meet once a month and watch a DVD that Charlie and I are in!  I am actually hosting a group at my house Wednesdays at 7:30pm.  If you’d like to join (anyone can sign up- even if you don’t attend Worship Center) go to this link.

At a recent trip to Lancaster Central Market (we go for coffee & water every Tuesday and Friday- one of the perks of working in the city) I heard someone yell my name, but as I looked around I didn’t see anyone who had called me, so I kept cruisin’ through the market.  The next thing I know, Carter, from United Way Lancaster, stopped me and invited me to the balcony upstairs (where she was calling me from) to do a quick interview for the 2013 United Way Campaign video.  So, here is the link to the video that has Charlie & me in it! 

I’ve officially switched Charlie’s food to Blue Buffalo (the other one seemed to be bothering his skin and he was having a lot of ear troubles).  It’s very pricey, but I figure that it’s a much better food and will keep us away from the vet!  Plus, he has lost 12 lbs since he’s been on it and now looks very lean and fit!  We’ve also been tracking steps with a pedometer and using an app called RunKeeper to track how far and fast we go.  During lunch hour we do almost 2 miles- and this weather is great because we don’t have to worry about heat stroke or burning his pads on the ground!

This month we have been offered an opportunity to go speak to 4 and 5 year olds at a day care nearby in the city and I am very excited to be talking to them about Charlie and how he enhances my life!  If you would like us to come talk to a group or something similar please contact me ( because I love sharing about Charlie and allowing other to be more comfortable with people that have disabilities- it’s all about breaking down those barriers!

We’ve been keeping busy- lots of backyard action (and I just bought a riding mower so now I won’t get stuck in the jungle grass!), doctor appointments (he got to lay up on the examining table with me), lots of long meetings for work (it’s budget season!), we went to the Living Well expo and saw lots of other service dogs, went swimming in a lake (and got to jump off the dock), went to garden club, had a 3 hour road trip to Maryland where we went to a vineyard and then a friend’s house, had a birthday outing to Terrain, went out to eat at several different restaurants, and went to the Dream Ride event!  We are looking forward to more adventures, including a trip up to Massachusetts, a yard sale, Hershey Bears game, and who knows what else is in store!

Hope you're enjoying the fall!